Sunday, December 16, 2019
THE GLEANER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2019 | | CLASSIFIEDS C9 19 November, 2019 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2203538 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1281 Folio: 498 Place: French Cottage 19 November, 2019 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2214596 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant(s) in the above stated application has/have declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1181 Folio: 314 Strata Lot. No.: 44 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CIVIL DIVISION CLAIM NO 2019 HCV 03271 RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (DISCHARGE AND MODIFICATION) ACT RE: Lot# 282 SUCCABA PEN in the parish of Saint Catherine registered at Volume 1296 Folio 443 TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica on behalf of CARLINE LYTTLE for Modification of Restriction Numbered 1g as endorsed on Transfer Instrument No. 1163774 which reads:- "(g) No new building or other permanent 601 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CLAIM NO. SU 2019 CV 01604 IN THE MATTER OF property known as Lot 62 Marina Villas in the parish of Saint Ann being all that PART OF DRAX HALL ESTATE NOW CALLED MARINA VILLAS being the land comprised in Certificate of Title now registered at Volume 1521 Folio 245 of the Registered Book of Titles. Together with 1/98th share in each of the 5 (five) Common Properties on the Deposited Plan 14814 known as Lot No. GA1 being the land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1271 Folio 644 of the Registered Book of Titles, Lot No. GA2 being the land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1271 Folio 644 of the Registered Book of Titles, Lot No. GA5 being the land comprised in Certificate 600 LEGAL Pursuant to the Trustees, Attorneys and Executors (Accounts and General) Act In the Estate of KENROY GEORGE JACKSON (also called KENRY JACKSON ) late of 10 Forrest Close, Forrest Hills, Kingston 19, in the Parish of Saint Andrew, General Manager, deceased, testate. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died on the 12th day of August 2017 are required to send particulars of their claims duly authenticated to ARTHUR HUGH WASHINGTON WILLIAMS , the duly qualified Executor of the estate of the said deceased whose postal address is in care of HART MUIRHEAD FATTA , Attorneys-at-Law, 2nd Floor, Victoria Mutual Building, 53 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, on or before the expiration of six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this advertisement after which date the assests NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE IN THE PARISH COURT FOR THE PARISH OF HANOVER HOLDEN AT LUCEA PLAINT NO. HA2019 CV 00325 BETWEEN KAREN HOOKAYLO 1ST PLAINTIFF COLEMAN HOOKAYLO 2ND PLAINTIFF AND KENNETH MUHAMMAD 1ST DEFENDANT TALEISHA MUHAMMAD 2ND DEFENDANT TO: Kenneth Muhammad Taleisha Muhammad Lances Bay, Hanover AND 2426, East, Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 USA TAKE NOTICE that a plaint has been entered and summons issued against you in the Parish Court by Karen Hookaylo and Coleman Hookaylo of Lances Bay, Lucea, Hanover for breach of contract in the sum of USD Three Thousand (USD3000.00) in relation to the premises rented to you in Lances Bay, Lucea, Hanover, and storage fees in the sum of Jamaican Seventy-Six Thousand Dollars Single man seeking furnished room for rent. Call: 790-8604 517 RENTAL HOUSES / APTS WANTED 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen, $42,000, New Harbour Village 2. 419-0778 21 November, 2019 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2220581 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant(s) in the above stated application has/ have declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume : 1342 Folio : 615 Place : Riverton City Parish : St. Andrew Registered proprietor(s) : Patrick Dixon S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles 514 RENTAL HOUSES /APTS ST.CATHERINE Norbrook, Kgn 8 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms townhouse,A comfortable retreat for Executives US$2,200. Whatsapp: 876-832-7479 DL-0396 16 October, 2019 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2210572 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume : 1117 Folio : 736 Place : Higgin Town known as Johnnie Spring Parish : St. Ann Registered proprietor : Wilbert Gray S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE FROM THE MINISTER UNDER SECTION 16 OF THE COMPANIES ACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of Section 16 of the Companies Act, application has been made to the Minister for a Licence, whereby TAHILLAH DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES LIMITED may operate with limited liability without the addition of the word "Limited" to its name. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that any person, company or corporation objecting to this application may bring such objection before the Minister on or before the 27th Day of December 2019, by letter addressed to the Minister at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture & Fisheries, 4 St. Lucia Avenue, Kingston 5, DATED this 25th Day November 2019 MONIQUE GIBBS CHIEF TECHNICAL DIRECTOR (ACTING) FOR PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE & FISHERIES 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms house with driveway for 2 cars, Kingston 6. Please call 876-326-4990. 513 RENTAL HOUSES / APTS CORPORATE AREA P NO. SU2019ES01422 ESTATE : LLEWELYN DODD ALSO KNOWN AS LLEWELLYN DODD LATE OF: LORRAINE DRIVE, PARADISE ACRES IN THE PARISH OF SAINT JAMES DECEASED INTESTATE APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN MADE BY Donovan Dodd of 41 Oliver Road, Kaladar, Ontario, K0H 1Z0, Canada, Son of the said deceased, whose address for service is in co of Silvera & Co. Attorneys-at-law of Suite 33, Montego Freeport Shopping Centre, Montego Bay in the parish of Saint James, Attorneys-at-law for and on behalf of the applicant herein. PERSONALTY: NIL REALTY: $9,000,000.00 GROSS ANNUAL VALUE OF REALTY: $9,00,000.00 APPLICATION FILED: July 31, 2019 Dated the 22nd of October 2019 Nicole Walters-Wellington (Mrs) Registrar Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica LEGAL NOTICE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (DISCHARGE AND MODIFICATION) ACT CLAIM NO. SU2019CV03277 Re: Lot No.10 Tropical Drive, Horizon Park, Spanish Town, in the parish of St. Catherine registered at Volume 1317 Folio 556 of the Register Book of Titles To: HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR The St. Catherine Parish Council Parade Square Spanish Town St. Catherine NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RANDAL PLUMMER , the registered proprietor of the land hereinafter described has applied to the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica pursuant to the Restrictive Covenants (Discharge & Modification) Act for an Order that the restriction numbered 9 endorsed on Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1317 Folio 556 of the Register Book of Titles which reads: "9. All buildings to be erected shall not be less than fifty Feet from the centre of adjoining Main Roads or Thirty feet from the centre of adjoining Parochial Roads and Streets and not less than Five Feet from adjoining fences". affecting the user of ALL THAT parcel of land part of SYDENHAM or GUY'S PEN part of HORIZON PARK now known as NUMBER TEN TROPICAL DRIVE in the parish of SAINT CATHERINE being the lot numbered FIVE HUNDRED AND TWO on the plan of part of Horizon Park aforesaid deposited in the Office of Titles on the 10th of January, 1969 of the shape and dimensions and butting as appears by the said plan and being the land comprised in Certificate of Title formerly registered at Volume 1063 Folio 434 and now comprised in the Certificate of Title entered at VOLUME 1317 FOLIO 556 of the Register Book of Titles, BE MODIFIED to read as follows: "9. All buildings to be erected shall not be less than fifty Feet from the centre of adjoining Main Roads or Thirty feet from the centre of adjoining Parochial Roads and Streets and not less than Three and One Half Feet from adjoining fences". AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the purpose of this Application is to rectify a distance breach of the covenant. PNO. SU2019ES02040 ESTATE: Omar Davy LATE OF : Lot 11 Clarendon Park, Meadows, Toll Gate, Clarendon DECEASED INTESTATE APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN MADE BY Jean Marie Harris- Davy of Lot 11 Clarendon Park, Meadows, Toll Gate, Clarendon, mother of the deceased whose address for service is in c/o Betton- Small, Daley & Co. of 47 E Old Hope Road, Kingston 5, St. Andrew, Attorneys-at-Law for and on behalf of the applicant herein. PERSONALTY: $5,000,000.00 REALTY : Nil GROSS ANNUAL VALUE: Nil APPLICATION FILED: 16th October, 2019 D. Dixon November 26, 2019 (DEP.) REGISTRAR Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica 500 REAL ESTATE RENTAL Subaru Impreza for rent 1 week minimum #809-3077 464 AUTO RENTALS 400 TRANSPORT P NO. SU2019ES01451 ESTATE : LIONEL ANDERSON WILLIAM ALSO KNOWN AS LIONEL WILLIAMS LATE OF: BLYTHSTON IN THE PARISH OF ST. JAMES DECEASED INTESTATE APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN MADE BY: Evadney May Williams also known as Evadney M. Williams of 39 Buckingham Drive, Berlin, New Jersey, United States of America, wife of the said deceased, whose address for service is in co Dawes Monthrope & Company Attorneys-at-law of Shop #20 City Centre Building, St. James Street, Montego Bay in the parish of Saint James, Attorneys-at-law for and on behalf of the applicant herein. PERSONALTY: Nil REALTY: $7,500,000.00 GROSS ANNUAL VALUE OF REALTY: $750,000.00 APPLICATION FILED: August 7, 2019 Dated 22nd of October 2019 Nicole Walters-Wellington Registrar Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica Small store in Kgn 8 selling out plus sizes for women clothing, store fixtures, mannequin stands etc. Preferably to one person. 876-812-7887. LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2217807 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1127 Folio: 469 Lot: 18 Place: Haughton Court Parish: Hanover Registered proprietor: Walwin Reddie S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles CASH REGISTER suitable for restaurants/shops SAM SPS340 Series (876)484-5488 07 November, 2019 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2197229 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA ) WHEREAS the applicant(s) in the above stated application has/have declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 941 Folio: 464 Place: Charlton Parish: St. Ann Registered proprietor: Hilda Mae Wisdom The following transactions were lodged with this application and will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA: Application to be Registered on Transmission Instrument No. 2197227 Transfer Instrument No. 2197228 S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles 348 ARTICLES FOR SALE ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE IN THE PARISH COURT FOR THE PARISH OF HANOVER HOLDEN AT LUCEA PLAINT NO. HA2019 CV 00325 BETWEEN KAREN HOOKAYLO 1ST PLAINTIFF COLEMAN HOOKAYLO 2ND PLAINTIFF AND TkENNETH MUHAMMAD 1ST DEFENDANT AND TALEISHA MUHAMMAD 2ND DEFENDANT UPON reading the affidavit sworn on the 18th of November 2019 by Karen Hookaylo of Lances Bay, Lucea Hanover and the first plaintiff appearing in person. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that notice of the entry of the above named Plaint be published in both the local and North American edition of "The Gleaner" newspaper on two separate occasions and that publication of such notice shall be deemed to be service of the summons upon the said Kenneth Muhammad and Taleisha Muhammad. Dated the 3rd day of December, 2019 Winsome Henry Parish Court Judge Hanover 300 MERCHANDISE One on One GFE-Massage (Hotel also) Appt@876-5367900 155 PERSONAL SERVICES LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2217807 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1127 Folio: 468 Lot: 17 Place: Haughton Court Parish: Hanover Registered proprietor: Walwin Reddie S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2213763 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant(s) in the above stated application has/have declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 510 Folio: 10 Place: Potosi Parish: Trelawny Registered proprietor(s): Winston Rudolph Muschett The following transactions were lodged with this application and will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA: Application to be Registered on 2213762 Transmission S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles 100 SERVICES P.NO . SU2019ES01129 ESTATE: Beryl Francis LATE OF: Cross Roads Chapelton, Clarendon DECEASED INTESTATE APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN MADE BY Alfred Fagan of Post Road, Chapelton, Clarendon, son of deceased whose address for service is in c/o Mischel P. Morrison of Main Street, Chapelton. Attorneys-at-Law for and on behalf of the applicant herein. PERSONALTY: Nil REALTY: $6,000,000.00 GROSS ANNUAL VALUE: $600,000.00 APPLICATION FILED: 20th June 2019 D. Dixon November 27, 2019 (DEP.) REGISTER Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica A brand new Clothes Store just open seeking Cashier/ Hman/ Counter Clerk. 35K. 829-3239/ 433-4394 of the estate of the deceased will be distributed. Dated the 12th day of December 2019 HART MUIRHEAD FATTA Attorneys-at-Law for and on behalf of the Executors ALL PERSONS claiming to be entitled to the benefit of the said restriction who objects to the modification or who claim compensation for the modification, is required to file with the Registrar of the Supreme Court and to serve on the said RANDAL PLUMMER in care of his Attorney-at-Law, Ms. KAMISHA MITTO at Shop 19D Samm's Mall, 21 King Street, Linstead, in the parish of St. Catherine, within fourteen (14) days from the date of the last publication and/or service upon him of this Notice, Notice of any objection they may have to the Application and the grounds thereof and if they claim compensation for the modification of the restriction, the amount of compensation claimed. DATED the 29 day of November, 2019 KAMISHA MITTO PER_______________ Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant Filed by Ms. KAMISHA MITTO, (Attorney No. 5500), Shop 19D, Samm's Mall , 21 King Street, Linstead, St. Catherine, telephone number (876) 313-3322 and email address: , Attorney-at-Law for and on behalf of the Applicant herein whose address for service is that of the said Attorney-at-Law. Parish: St. Elizabeth Registered proprietors: Delroy Stevens and Clover Stevens The following transactions were lodged with this application and will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA: Application to Note Death Instrument No. 2203536 Transfer of Land Instrument No. 2203537 S.MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles ($76000.00) to date and continuing for the Dodge Caravan Motor Vehicle, and an order has been made that publication of a notice of the entry of such plaint in both the local and North America edition of "The Gleaner," shall be deemed to be service of the summons upon you. The summons will be heard at the Lucea Court House have on 3rd February 2020 at 10:00 am and if you do not appear or by your Attorney-at-law at the time and place above mentioned such order will be made and proceedings taken as the Judge may think just and expedient. Dated the 3rd day of December 2019 Courtney Anderson Clerk of Courts for the Parish Court Hanover of Title registered at Volume 1271 Folio 644 of the Registered Book of Titles, Lot No. GA3 being the land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1271 Folio 645 of the Registered Book of Titles and Lot No. GA4 being the land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1271 Folio 645 of the Registered Book of Titles. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Restrictive Covenants numbered 10 and 18 (1-25). AND IN THE MATTER OF the Restrictive Covenant (Discharge and Modification) Act. Re:Modification of Restrictive Covenants for Lot 62 Marina Villas, Drax Hall in the parish of Saint Ann. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NEW ERA HOMES 2000 LIMITED, the registered proprietors of the land hereinafter mentioned have applied pursuant to the above-mentioned Act for an Order that the restrictive covenants which read: 10. No new building or permanent structure shall be erected within 1.5m (for single-storey building) and 3.0m (for two-storey building) of any adjoining lot. 18. No new building or permanent or permanent structure shall be erected less than 6.1m from the property boundary along Great River Avenue and the Proposed Road the building faces. AFFECTING THE USER OF property known as Lot 62 Marina Villas in the parish of Saint Ann being all that PART OF DRAX HALL ESTATE NOW CALLED MARINA VILLAS being the land comprised in Certificate of Title now registered at Volume 1521 Folio 245 of the Registered Book of Titles, be MODIFIED to read as follows: 10. No new building or permanent structure shall be erected within 1.20 metres (for single-storey building) and 3.0 metres (for two-storey building) of any adjoining lot, however, for the purposes of this covenant the eaves of any building shall not be deemed a breach of this covenant. 18. No new building or permanent structure shall be erected less than 5.7m from the property boundary along Great River Avenue and the Proposed Road the building faces. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person who objects to the modification thereof as aforesaid is required to file with the Registrar of the Supreme Court and to serve on the said NEW ERA HOMES 2000 LIMITED in care of his Attorneys-at-Law, DALY THWAITES & CO. at 13 West Avenue, Kingston Gardens in the parish of Kingston within Fourteen (14) days of the service of this Notice of any objection they may have to the Application for the Modification of the Restrictive Covenant and the compensation claimed, if any: Dated the 27th day of November , 2019 DALY THWAITES & CO. PER:________________ APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY-AT-LAW structure shall be erected nearer than 4.6 meters (15 feet) to the roadway which some may face or 3.0 meters (10 feet) from the rear boundary and 0.9 meters (3 feet) from any other boundary SAVE AND EXCEPT along any boundary on which a building wall common to two lots has been entered." Affecting the user of ALL THAT parcel of land part of SUCCABA PEN in the parish of SAINT CATHERINE being the Lot numbered TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO on the plan part of Succaba Pen aforesaid deposited in the Office of Titles on the 17th day of January 1997 of the shape and dimensions and butting as appears by the said plan and being all the land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at Volume 1296 Folio 443 of the Register Book of Titles be modified to read as follows: "(g) No new building or other permanent structure shall be erected nearer than 4.3 meters (14.11 feet) to the roadway which same may face or 3.0 meters (10 feet) from the rear boundary and 0.8 meters (2.62 feet) from any other boundary SAVE AND EXCEPT along any boundary on which a building wall common to two lots has been entered. For the purpose of this covenant the eaves shall not be considered as part of the building" ALL PERSONS claiming to be entitled to the benefit of the said restriction who objects to the modification of the covenant or who claim compensation for the modification of the covenant shall within fourteen (14) days after receipt of this Notice file with the Registrar of the Supreme Court, King Street, Kingston and serve on the Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant, any objections they may have to the application, and the grounds thereof, and if they claim compensation of the modification of the covenant, the amount of compensation claimed, Dated the 8th day of November, 2019 KARENE N. STANLEY & CO. PER:_______________ Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicants Filed by KARENE N. STANLEY &. CO., 16 Windsor Avenue, Kingston 5, in the parish of Saint Andrew, Tel: 927-8577, Fax: 946-3696, Email: info@karenenstanley. com. Attorneys-at-Law for the Claimant herein. Place: Manor House Lands Parish: St. Andrew Registered proprietor(s): Melva Joy Grant S. MacLean Deputy Registrar of Titles 22 VACANCIES GENERAL 601 LEGAL NOTICES 20 VACANCIES 601 LEGAL NOTICES 601 LEGAL NOTICES 601 LEGAL NOTICES 601 LEGAL NOTICES 601 LEGAL NOTICES 601 LEGAL NOTICES The Gleaner Company (Media) Ltd will only accept responsibility for the first incorrect insert. The Gleaner, Monday, December 16, 2019 | CLASSIFIE D C9
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